Whew! I have survived my first holiday season as a mother, and John Mark has survived his first Christmas. I believe that we both passed through them with flying colors, and only a yucky cold as battle wounds. :o)
John Mark turned 5 months on Thursday. I know I say this with each new month of his life, but I can't believe it's already been that lon

g. And I can't believe how much he has grown and changed in just another month. He is rolling over constantly now, which equals him sleeping on his stomach most of the time. He also discovered his feet on Christmas eve. Now every time that we sit him up, he tries to get his sock off. If he doesn't succeed in getting it off, he just sucks on it, leaving him with soggy socks. He has also become very good at grabbing things- the lady bug on his car seat, the fish that hang from his swing, my hair... anything that comes within grabbing range is fair game.

We went to the doctor last week for his 4 month appointment. John Mark got his shots, and we also got the green light for cereal. I've tried feeding him a few times, but with the arrival of Christmas, well- life was crazy enough without the huge mess of eating cereal. I will say that I quickly realized that I'm going to have to get over my dislike of messes when it comes to feeding this baby- well, pretty much everything about having a baby is messy, so I'm growing! The most exciting thing that I got from the doctor was a whole new hour of my life that I had forgotten existed. That's right- John Mark is now on a 4 hour feeding schedule. That means that I just gained a whole new hour to my life. He only eats 4 times a day. For all you new moms who read this- hang in there. A day is fast approaching when you too will be able to fit more than a shower in between feedings! John Mark weighed 18-2 (95%), was 28 inches (100%), and I don't remember his head- it was 85%.
Well, I obviously have written a long enough post without any Christmas pictures or stories. I guess you'll have to hold onto your seat another day for those! :o)