I have to say a great big
THANK YOU to our friends the Callison's who live in Tennessee. They sent John Mark this adorable Louisville slugger onesie and baseball bat. I put him in it and did a little photo shoot yesterday. He looked so handsome! :)
We're staying busy around here getting ready

for Christmas. I actually think most of my shopping is done. The Christmas cards have been mailed. Presents are wrapped. I even got the presents I needed to mail to Jacksonville in the mail. Man! This may be the earliest I have ever been ready for Christmas in my life! I'm not going to lie, it's pretty exciting!
We have 3 parties left to go to. One tonight, for the student ministry small group leaders that I'm so looking forward to. We get to eat Ted's, and play crazy games. Then our small group party is Sunday, then Micah's work party next Thursday. I love Christmas parties!

Here is one final picture of John Mark with two of his new favorite things. One is his pappy (pacifier). He hated that thing until one day around thanksgiving I gave it to him out of desperation... he's been a happy sucker ever since! The other is my good friend Kelly. John Mark has finally decided that he loves her. He even went to sleep in her arms last week!
Am I a favorite too?
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