John Mark experienced his very first snow day this week. We spent all of Wednesday and Thursday inside, bundled up and staying warm. I think we got close to 8 inches of snow. On Friday we ventured out- partly because I wanted some cute pictures of John Mark in the snow and partly because I thought I was going to go insane from

being inside my house for 2 whole days!! We went and visited Jamie and Caroline and then went to see Aunt Emily. I honestly think that John Mark was as excited to get out of the house as I was! He was getting FUSSY!!
The sad news about having all this snow was that his 4 month dr. appointment got cancelled. So I don't know how big he is... or if I can feed him cereal. I was really looking forward to feeding him some cereal so he will sleep all night (hopefully...) I guess I'll just have to call the doctor on Monday and see about getting this boy some cereal!

I've really been thinking about what kind of Christmas traditions I want to start and pass on to my kids. I have always loved Christmas-- the twinkling lights, the music, the general holiday cheer... the presents, family, the FOOD... and I want each Christmas to be so special for my kids.
And so... I am going to ask a question that will hopefully generate a few responses and maybe some new ideas for me.
What is your favorite Christmas tradition??
When Jennifer was about 15 years old I started the tradition of getting the kids in my family a Christmas ornament that reflects something about them personally. Early on Jennifer got a red mustang (she loves a mustang), a mail desk with cubby holes (she worked at the mail desk at her job) and of course an Elvis ornament. If I had done this thru her childhood she would have 25 to put on her tree.
Another thought is traning your child to give rather than receive, possibly thru making cookies to take to people who are normally alone or finding a need and filling that need as his gift to Jesus, since it is His Birthday!
Hope this helps,
Love to all,
Even whenever I learned that santa wasn't real, I would still love to bake cookies with my grandma and leave them out for him on Christmas Eve.
Also, we would always make cherry pies and be with family for christmas...
CHEX MIX (homemade) and Sausage Balls!! We love to listen to the Muppets Christmas album and go look at Christmas lights in Chickasha. We all got a turn to put the Angel on top of the tree each year. Mom always let us open one present on Christmas eve which was ALWAYS Christmas Jammies. That way our Christmas morning pictures looked nice. :0)
My grandmother used to take all the grandkids (there are 7 of us) to pick out an angel off the angel tree at the mall. We loved getting to pick out the toys and the clothes.
First of all, I have to say how cute the picture of JM sticking out his tongues is!!! And second, sorry on the 4 month appt. What a bummer! Hopefully they can get you back in soon. It is always fun how big they've gotten. And third. . . mom already commented on it, but the Christmas ornaments is a lot of fun. Each year you guess what kind of ornamet you're going to be getting. Love ya'll JJ
Chad and I started a tradition of sorts this year that we are going to carry on with our children someday. We are giving up half our money we set aside for gifts for each other and giving it to missions.
We probably won't set aside that much when it comes to our children but we will set aside some and they will participate in it.
I think it's important for kids to understand they are blessed and to learn to give to others.
I totally agree. We are blessed to be a blessing!! JJ
Okay well, here's mine. Kind of anti-climactic but you said I had to! :o)
Instead of making cookies for Santa every year, we always made PB&J sandwiches. I think it's because my dad liked them better than cookies! :o) But it was always so cool to me to see that "he" ate the sandwich and left the crust behind. It was so magical, like Santa actually was there! So fun!
And yes, the matching Christmas jammies. Gotta have those. Caroline and other baby Howell(s) are going to have them!
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