john mark and santa

John Mark is getting very good at rolling over. He does it almost every time we lay him on his back- except of course when I have the video camera there ready to capture it. Then he just looks at the camera and smiles. It's funny that he knows what to do already.
He went with us to the Christmas party last night and did wonderful. He got passed around from person to person and never once cried. I guess he got his mom's love for people!
Now Stephanie, I noticed that John Mark doesn't have shoes or socks on. Don't his feet get cold? He might get sick you know. :o)
ADORABLE as ever!!!
Eric went to see Santa this week too! Wasn't it fun?!
I wil try to scan our picture to put on here, otherwise, I will be doing what you did (pic of a pic)!
I can't wait to see you and John Mark!!!
We got our Christmas cards Finally, so I am trying to decide on bringing them and handing them out at the party or mailing them now. Either way they will probably be late for Christmas, so I will probably send them in the mail! :0)
See ya soon!!!
Emily and Eric
Gorgeous picture! Good job with the pic of a pic thing! I am really excited to see you guys, I know I keep talking about it, but I am looking forward to it!! Love ya'll, JJ
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