
the first baby shower

We had our first baby shower with our newly married small group last night. It was a lot of fun. We went swimming, played a little Dance, Dance, Revolution, ate a LOT, and opened baby gifts. We got a lot of good stuff... some books, blankets, a musical winnie the pooh bear, a winnie the pooh hat, diapers and a whole lot more. It was a fun night. Here's a few of the pictures that we took throughout the night. We love these guys!


30-31 weeks

The third trimester is quickly passing. I can't believe that today began my 31st week. Life is staying pretty good this far. I'm definitely more uncomfortable than I have been, but it isn't anything too unbearable.

Sleeping is probably the biggest inconvenience. I spend a long time getting comfortable (nothing new there!) and then when I finally fall asleep, I'm uncomfortable again... and pregnancy allows you to sleep comfortably in 2 positions- right side or left side... I will be so glad when I can sleep on my stomach again!!

I haven't started to swell anywhere, unless I have been standing or walking for a long time. I am still stretch mark and varicose vein free. We're keeping our fingers crossed that this keeps up!

Here's a few pictures from my very first mother's day as a mother!

Me and Micah

Me and Kim

Kim, Mom and Me

Me and Tiff in the rocking chairs at Wal-Mart...


27-29 weeks

Well, 2 trimesters have quickly come and gone, and I find myself 1 week into my 3rd trimester. It's pretty unbelievable that time has gone so FAST. I can't believe that in less than 3 months we will have a baby. To think of being completely responsible for another human is just a little overwhelming!

So far, things are still going smoothly. I can definitely tell a difference in my energy levels these days. I come home from work and just want to collapse on the couch... and some days I do! I have still been going to the gym and trying to stay as active as possible. And if the rate that he kicks me, I'm going to be keeping up with a pretty active kiddo when he gets here!

We got our baby bedding, and it's all put in the crib. It looks so cute! I can't wait to get the rest of the stuff in the nursery! I told Micah the other night that it looks like a baby lives here now! For as unprepared as I often feel, I am so very excited. I can't wait to see what he looks like and to hold him. I know that it will be everything that I've dreamed of, and probably a whole lot that I never really even thought was possible.

I was reading last night in Judges and I came across a verse that really comforted me as I was thinking about how NOT ready I sometimes feel to be a mom. God has just told Gidian to go and fight the Midian's and he has responded with how inadequate he is for the job. This is the Lord's response:

"The Lord answered, 'I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Mdianites together.'"

So even though I don't feel totally prepared, He is with me. And He will lead and guide me. That's what I'm clinging to!