I can't belive how big my baby boy is getting!! This is him sitting up with only the boppy supporting him! I would also like to point out the fact that he somehow (when he was wiggling in his crib NOT taking a nap) managed to get his feet out of the footie part of his outfit... I'll never know how that happened!!
We're still working on rolling over. Right now he's pr

etty content to just roll onto his side and hang out there. He really tries to get out of his little bouncy chair when he's sitting in it. If he tried that hard when he was lying on the ground, he'd be over in no time!
Well, I guess I should get back to writing my Christmas letter to put in with our Christmas card. I hope everyone is having a fabulous holiday season so far. Thanks to everyone who commented with family traditions!
Love you all!!
Will you post pictures from last night? I want those! I'm just really proud of my icing mouth, I wanna show it off! Ha!
P.S. Oh and as always, your babe is stinkin adorable as ever! Big boy!!! And Caroline might have JM beat on the feet thing...she managed to get BOTH LEGS into one leg of her sleeper. Impressive, no? :o)
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