
26 weeks

There's not really a whole lot new to report this week. It's been pretty much life as usual. The snow cone stand in the parking lot of my office opened, and the lady who works there just asks me what size I want, since I always get the same flavor... I changed it up on her today though! :o) Good thing that sugar test came back normal!!

So far I am still stretch mark free, although there was a brief moment of panic the other night when I thought I saw the beginnings of one. After closer examination, Micah informed me it was just a line from the blanket on the couch. Whew!!

John Mark seems to be awake a lot these days. He is kicking and wiggling like crazy! I can't belive that he can grow up to a half a pound a week from here on out... this could be a big baby!!

I go back to the doctor on May 4th, and that begins the every 2 week doctor rotation. I can't believe I'm already to that point. Of course, next week is the last week of my second trimester. It will be July before I know it- especially since summers are so crazy around the office...

I guess that's all I have to report. See you next week!


the results

The doctor called this afternoon and the glucose tests came back normal. YAY!!!

the test

As I mentioned, last Thursday I had to take the glucose screening test like all good pregnant people. On Friday I found out that I failed it. So yesterday I had to take the 3 hour glucose test at the hospital. It was not fun. I fasted from 8:ooPM until the test was over the next day at about 11:30. I had to have blood taken when I got there, then drink MORE nasty glucose liquid, then have blood taken every hour for 3 hours. By the time I was finished, I was STARVING and exhausted. I'm pretty sure the guy at Olive Garden thought that Kelly and I had never seen food before. We chowed down like nobody's business... Anyway, that was yesterday. I guess we will probably hear the results either this afternoon or tomorrow. I'll keep you posted what I find out.


a few pics

25 Weeks

Well, I finally found the camera cable, so I can post a picture of how big I am getting. It's funny though, I feel MUCH bigger than I look in this picture. Anyway, this picture was taken this morning before work.

According to babycenter.com, this week the baby is 13 inches long, and weighs about a pound and a half. I can tell he is getting bigger and stronger in his kicking. Yesterday at the doctor, he kept wiggling away from the machine that measures the baby heart rate. Looks like he already has some personality...

At the doctor yesterday I took the glucose screening test. I had to drink 10 ounces of this sugar liquid stuff in 2 minutes. It wasn't too bad. It kind of tasted like gatorade with a whole bunch of sugar stirred into it. Then we had to wait an hour and get blood drawn. Hopefully everything will come out okay. I guess that's everything that I have to post. I found some other old pictures, so I may make another post later with some of those pictures.


24 Weeks

According to babycenter.com, my uterus is approximately the size of a soccer ball. Does that sound HUGE to anyone besides me? I know, I know... I'm only going to get bigger... but let me sit here and marvel for a few seconds at the fact that I am the size of a soccer ball right now. :o)

Other than that, it's pretty much business as usual these days. Oh, John Mark has apparently learned to hiccup. Right now, every few minutes, I can feel him hop inside of me. It's kind of funny right now, but I can tell you that if this becomes the norm, it's probably going to get old really fast!

I go back to the doctor next Thursday. I have to take the glucose monitoring test... I am NOT looking forward to that. If any of you recently pregnant ladies have suggestions for which flavor to pick, let me know!!