John Mark decided the other day that he needs to feed himself now. So I got out his new little spoon and set out some applesauce. 45 minutes and a HUGE mess later, he finished it. I have to say though, he did feed most of it to himself with the spoon... I only looked over a couple of times to see him eating with his hands holding the spoon triumphantly in the air. He has tried to eat pudding and yogurt by himself also. He's getting better at it... it's still not to the point I can send it with him to school!
Jonas and Eric came to see us a couple of weeks ago. JJ's car has a bench seat in the front, so we piled all three boys in the backseat, and all three mommys in the front seat. We laughed a LOT and had a great time. The boys had a big time eating at Saturn Grill, shopping at Babies R Us and Old Navy. They had such a big time, in fact, that this was the picture in the backseat by the time we got home.
John Mark has also learned how to crawl up in our chairs. He thinks that it's a game and loves to run for the chairs and climb into them as soon as one of us gets up. He has also started a singing-dancing combo that is hysterical to watch. He sings "dadadadada" over and over and spins around in a circle. It's so funny how he is daily picking up on the things that Micah and I say. Last week Micah said "yeah" and bobbed his head and so now John Mark runs around bobbing his head saying "dah" (apparently he's German) and just laughing hysterically.
He also loves the theme song from the tv show The Office. This is a funny video I took of him dancing to it the other night. This dance is actually pretty subdued compared to other dances we've seen him do during this song!
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