27-29 weeks

So far, things are still going smoothly. I can definitely tell a difference in my energy levels these days. I come home from work and just want to collapse on the couch... and some days I do! I have still been going to the gym and trying to stay as active as possible. And if the rate that he kicks me, I'm going to be keeping up with a pretty active kiddo when he gets here!

I was reading last night in Judges and I came across a verse that really comforted me as I was thinking about how NOT ready I sometimes feel to be a mom. God has just told Gidian to go and fight the Midian's and he has responded with how inadequate he is for the job. This is the Lord's response:
"The Lord answered, 'I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Mdianites together.'"
So even though I don't feel totally prepared, He is with me. And He will lead and guide me. That's what I'm clinging to!
Yay for big bellies! Yay for your third trimester! Yay for cute baby bedding!
You're so right that God is with you. You're not in this alone; you have all your family and friends (not that I know anything, but Micah does). This is going to be so great! I'm so excited to meet him, too!
La vie est belle.
Je t'aime, la soeur de mon coeur.
Life is beautiful.
I love you, sister of my heart.
Cute bedding! And cute belly!
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