

I hope you all had a very happy thanksgiving with friends and family. I know we had a great weekend. We got to spend thanksgiving day with Micah's family. John Mark was a big boy and sat up at the table with all of us. He even decided that he was old enough to use a spoon. Now granted, he picked up the mashed potatoes and PUT them on his spoon, but hey- you gotta start somewhere!

We also managed to get a really good picture of everyone. John Mark had a great day of eating (his favorite), playing, and then taking a nap. Emily and I were making a gingerbread train, and being all sneaky, John Mark reached up onto the table and pulled down one of the cookies and took a big bite. He was so proud of himself! It was a really fun day.

That night the Wehunts came over and hung out with us, and then I hit the Black Friday sales at 4AM with Kelly & Jamie. We had a lot of fun, rude people and all.

After a big breakfast of pancakes and sausage croissants with the Wehunts, we loaded up and went to big Central High. We spent the remainder of the weekend with my family. John Mark had a great time playing with BB & Poppy (he calls them that now and don't think their hearts haven't completely melted!). He also spent a lot of time chasing sugar ("shu-shu-er") and looking longingly at the Christmas tree. He played in the nursery at church Sunday morning and had a great time. He was so worn out from a big weekend that he didn't even make it out of BB & Poppy's driveway before he was sound asleep in his car seat!

On Saturday we ate lunch with the baby gang. This is probably my favorite picture that we took. It just seems to sum them up in a photo. And girls- next time let's get a picture of JUST the mommies. When we try to get one with our babies, well, it just doesn't work out! And we need to have our beautiful faces on here sometimes too!

We came home yesterday afternoon and put up all our Christmas decorations. John Mark is very intrigued by it, and I'm now taking guesses as to when he knocks it down... :o) I'm hoping that if we can make it past this first week then the new will have worn off and all will be well. When we came downstairs this morning he pointed at it and said "no, no!" and shook his finger, so hopefully I'm getting through!

Merry Christmas to everyone! Enjoy this holiday season and remember that it's all about God becoming flesh!



give thanks to the Lord, for He is good

Psalm 136 tells us to "give thanks to the Lord, for He is good- His love endures forever." The chapter goes on to give a list of thankfulness. So, on this day, the day of eating turkey, watching football and playing ridiculous board games I want to stop and give thanks. Thanks to the Giver of every good and perfect gift, the One from Whom all blessings flow- and let's face it, we have all been blessed, no matter how much or little we have!

My Jesus- He loved me. He saved me. He is walking beside me through each and every step of this journey of life that I am walking in. Countless times He has lifted me from the miry pit, setting my feet upon the solid rock. If you don't know him, you should really check Him out.

His love endures forever.

My sweet husband- As I like to tell him when I'm joking with him- "eyes wide open..." He fell in love with me and married me knowing my quirks- like my need to listen to the same song on repeat for days, or to spend money on ridiculous things, or... well, you get the idea. He is the rock of our family, and a man who desires to be more like Christ with every breath he takes and I know he will strive to love me with Christ's love as long as we live.

His love endures forever.

John Mark- what can I say? He is the most beautiful, special, precious boy in the whole world. I have fallen so completely in love with him. I just didn't see how it could be true that one tiny person takes hold of your life and completely changes you... but it is!! I can't even remember my life before John Mark. Just last night, Micah and I were wondering what we did before our crazy little man was around to entertain us every night. My heart is complete with this kid around.

His love endures forever.

My amazing family- I count myself so ridiculously blessed, and one of the biggest blessings in my life is the legacy of faith that I have the honor of being a part of. My family paved the path that I have walked with prayers and lessons about the One who makes life matter. My family has loved me unwaveringly and I couldn't love them more.

His love endures forever.

My beautiful friends- near and far, old and new... each and every one of you brings out a different aspect of my personality and makes me more of who I am. I know that I couldn't make it without you. You have spurred me on to a Christ-filled life. We have laughed, cried, watched movies, taken road trips, had babies, sang, danced, cooked dinner, shopped... so many different things. And I wouldn't give the world for the memories we have made. I love each of you with every bit of my heart.

His love endures forever.

I have so many other things to be thankful for, and I would go on and on for the rest of time and never be thankful enough. So I will end by saying that I am thankful for EVERY aspect of my life- both the good and bad. And I am thankful for each and every one of you. You have touched my life in some way, and I am better because of it.

His love endures forever.


the big first haircut...

That is true. John Mark got his very first haircut today. We went to a fun little place called Snip Its that specializes in children's haircuts. John Mark did very well. He sat mostly still, and only got upset when he couldn't reach the chicken nugget in his other hand while I was holding his head so the lady could cut the front. For all of you who are as in love with his curls as I am, don't worry. We didn't make a very drastic change- just a little shaping around the front and back. He looks very grownup and handsome with his new 'do!