
Welcome John Mark!!!

John Mark came into this world via c-section July 28 at 11:30 PM. I'll post the entire birth story later, right now I'm tired. Blogger is being dumb, so I'll post pictures tomorrow.


poppin' out a 10 pounder

It's true. The ultrasound showed him to weigh 10 pounds, 5 ounces- and her margin of error is 1 pound. SO... we're looking at a HUGE baby. It also showed that I am 40 weeks and 4 days- so I'm already "past due."

Right now we're weighing the options of going ahead with the scheduled induction next Thursday (there's no way to get me in any sooner) or scheduling a c-section. There's a chance that I'll need a c-section anyway. We're meeting with the doctor on Monday to discuss what all this means. Please pray for us that we would make the right decision- and that John Mark won't get much bigger than he already is in the next week.

I'll have Micah take a picture of me tonight so you can all see what I look like at full term, carrying a 10 pound baby!!



Well, I just got back from the doctor and there was literally no change. Yep- I'm still sitting at BARELY a 1 and nothing's changing. Fabulous. So, we have a scheduled induction for a week from tomorrow. If he doesn't come between now and then, that's what we'll do. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time... the doctor also told me that he is "not scrawny." So I have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow at 9 AM to see just how "not scrawny" he is. If they say he's 10 pounds, I'm going to blame Natalie- since she did coin the phrase "poppin' out a 10 pounder" in reference to me having a child... I'll let you all know what I found out tomorrow! In the mean time, pray that John Mark gets a little motivated to do this on his own...


happy anniversary!!!

2 years ago today I married the greatest man in the whole world. I never would have dreamed that on our 2 year wedding anniversary we would be anxiously awaiting the birth of our first child... it's an amazing place to be, that's for sure!! I have been so richly blessed with this life that God has given to me. I can't believe that in a few short days (hopefully) I will be blessed to bring another life into this world. I was reading this morning about our Jehovah and how He is the same- yesterday, today and forever. It blows my mind to think that everywhere I have been, He's been there- and every step that I take, He is there. I am so glad that He has been with me every step of the way on this marriage journey.


lots of updates

Well, I have a lot to share since it's been a few weeks since I last updated this thing! Since then I've had 2 more showers at Micah's work and my work... I had my LAST day of work on Friday... and I am now officially "full term." COME ON JOHN MARK! I really can't complain. I have definitely been more uncomfortable than I am used to- and I definitely don't sleep as well- but it hasn't been anything that I would die because of!

Here are a few pictures from my shower at work. It was a fun day. Everyone brought food and we ate lunch, then I opened presents. I got a ton of really good stuff- lots of cute outfits, our pack and play, diaper bag, a lullaby cd... those ladies there are so great! While I'm on the subject of HHBC, I have to say that my last day there was last Friday. It was such a bittersweet day. I'm so excited and ready for my baby boy to be here and to stay at home with him... but I have loved working there. I am definitely sad to be leaving all my friends there. But don't worry- I'll still come around. I know you all want to hold and meet John Mark when he gets here!

In baby related news, he's still not here... :) But we do have progress. Last doctor's appointment I was dialated to a 1 and 50% effaced. If that's too much information, sorry- but that's just part of this whole "having a baby" thing, so deal or stop reading! I'm hoping there will be even more progress at this next appointment. There will definitely be some weight gain... all I've done is eat for the past week- going away lunches, anniversary celebrations, hanging out with friends... they all involve FOOD!

Speaking of anniversary celebrations, Micah and I decided to go ahead and celebrate ours early since we don't know when John Mark will make his appearance. So we went out on Friday night and had PF Chang's and then watched Pirates 2. It was fun just to hang out with him and relax.

Well... I guess that's all I've got. I'll keep this posted with updates as we near the BIG DAY! Now I'm off to do baby laundry and pack a bag to take to the hospital...