26 weeks

So far I am still stretch mark free, although there was a brief moment of panic the other night when I thought I saw the beginnings of one. After closer examination, Micah informed me it was just a line from the blanket on the couch. Whew!!
John Mark seems to be awake a lot these days. He is kicking and wiggling like crazy! I can't belive that he can grow up to a half a pound a week from here on out... this could be a big baby!!
I go back to the doctor on May 4th, and that begins the every 2 week doctor rotation. I can't believe I'm already to that point. Of course, next week is the last week of my second trimester. It will be July before I know it- especially since summers are so crazy around the office...
I guess that's all I have to report. See you next week!