Well... it has been quite the icy weekend here in Oklahoma. Starting early Friday morning, we've been stuck inside the house because of the winter wonderland outside our warm walls. By Sunday we were suffering from some serious cabin fever. We ended up bundling up and taking a walk around the backyard just to get some air.

I think that John Mark is even sick of being stuck in the house. He's been quite the grumpy little bear these past few days. But yesterday when we finally got out, he was much happier. I think that maybe he got his mom's inability to sit still or be in one place for too long. Not to mention t

hat Micah and I were running out of things to entertain ourselves... and John Mark! :o) We have played a lot of video games (micah), read a lot of books (stephanie), cleaned out an entire closet and room (stephanie), watched a lot of movies... eaten a TON... and cried (john mark).
I don't really have much to post. I mainly wanted to get these pictures out there. Hope you are all enjoying the winter wonderland and staying warm!
He is soo cute in his little bear hoodie! I love the ears! Eric would have just screamed the whole time if I took him outside in our ice storm! He belongs on a beach wearing flip-flops....but then again, so do I!
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