Tonight we had thanksgiving with our small group that meets on Sunday nights. It was fun times. We have been so blessed by our friends in this group. I was talking with the lady I work for today about how important it is to have godly friends who are in the same stage of life as you. It helps you to feel normal about stuff you're going through, and also gives a wonderful place you can be safe. They are definitely good people. Not to mention that there are LOTS of good cooks amongst us...

I can't believe that it's already Thanksgiving... with that comes CHRISTMAS!! I love Christmas. I broke out my 199 Christmas songs the other day and uploaded them to my i-pod. If I have my way, our Christmas tree will go up on Saturday! And in defense of that decision, I want to put it up BEFORE we go to C-town so it will be up after Thanksgiving. That and I just love Christmas...

We're having family pictures taken Saturday at Hafer Park. I'm very excited about this!! Our friend Sara is going to take them. Hopefully we will be able to put some of them up here. If we can't, well... you'll just have to wait for your Christmas card!
This is John Mark in his "coverall" outfit that Tiff and I got for him in honor of Grandad. It's pretty darn cute. Of course, the guys tonight tortured him and turned the collar up (to make him Elvis) and called him a painter and a janitor. Poor kid!
Well, maybe I will go to bed. It is midnight and that means 4 hours until someone needs to eat again!
I totally support your Christmas tree decision! I was thinking that we should get ours out before we leave for Abilene too!! Great minds think alike!
I also got out all of our Christmas Cd's and as soon as Mike puts them on the laptop (this old computer cannot handle iTunes for some reason! Please Santa, bring us an Apple computer! ;0)) I will put them on my iPod too!
You are so lucky to have so many friends that are your age and have babies!! I only have friends like you, that live in other states!
One day soon, we will get to take Eric to church, maybe we will find us a good church quickly!
Anyway, I think John Mark looks alot like your Grandad in his cute coveralls!! Don't listen to the boys baby cakes! They don't know cool!
I love the ELVIS coveralls too!!! I think they are adorable! And, I too agree about the Christmas tree. I plan on putting ours up next week while I am off. I love Christmas!! My baby is crying, I got to go! Love everyone JJ
I LOVE the FLOCK picture! Yea for Nat & Mary! Ha ha! I'm putting it on my myspace right now! :o)
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