It's finally getting cold and starting to feel like fall around these parts. I realized that John Mark probably needed a hat to keep his bald little head warm. Of course, NONE of the hats I had fit him. He had to get a size 12-18 month hat to fit his big head! :) Then again, he's not even 4 months old and wearing 6-12 month size clothes, so I shouldn't really be surprised.

I also got him an adorable little fuzzy suit to wear if we ever have to spend extended time in the cold weather. I'm not sure where I plan on using it, but it was just too cute to pass up! He didn't seem to like it very much though. Probably because it's so big he can't really move in it! The wiggle worm thinks he has to constantly be moving...

I haven't had any pooping stories for you in a long time- mainly because he's been keeping it in his diapers pretty well. Let me give you a little tip- don't ever think that you have anything figured out, because they spring it on you in no time flat! Today I was getting him ready to go. I had him all dressed and in his car seat when I heard "the sound." I knew he needed changing, so I got him out and fortunately held him away from me, not realizing what I was about to see... I laid him down on his blanket to change him and quickly noticed that there wasn't poop in the diaper- oh no, it was all down his leg... his pants... his feet... EVERYWHERE. And of course, nothing I needed was downstairs, so I left him screaming in his poop while I ran upstairs to get stuff to

change him. Poor thing... and his outfit will never be the same. I spent 15 minutes this afternoon scrubbing and soaking- still has a lovely hint of yellow. And it was one of my favorites...
This is him all bundled up on Sunday after church. I thought he looked hysterical, so I took a picture. He's getting really good at putting himself to sleep at night. I can finally just lay him down and leave him in there. Now if only he would put himself to sleep when he wakes up every night at 2AM...
Seriously...could he BE any cuter! I now second Jamie in that I just want to EAT him!
"Hi. My name is John Mark. I look just like my mom. The end."
I love that kid! He just gets cuter and cuter every day.
OK, OK, If no one is going to say it I guess I will have to . . . That precious boy looks just like his MOM! = ) Have I mention I love this blogger business!! JJ
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