Our weekend was eventful and crazy, like any good weekend should be, right? Friday night we went to a wedding for one of Micah's cousins. John Mark got antsy before the bride even made it down the aisle, and got to run around the lobby for the wedding. As he was running around everywhere (his new favorite thing to do, by the way) he tripped on the carpet, landed face first on the concrete and got his first fat lip. Poor little guy! And poor Micah, who got bled all over!

Saturday we headed to Central High to see the fam. My cousin and her fiance were supposed to be stopping by on their way through to Vegas. Through a crazy set of events, they never made it to Central before we had to leave to come back home. John Mark had lots of fun playing in Nanny's backyard. He is starting to love being outside, and he's slowly getting over his enormous fear of grass. He also enjoyed some good ol' Central High cooking. He'll never go back to green beans straight from the can again!

Fortunately, through even crazier circumstances, we did get to see Camille & Wes early Sunday morning before church. It was great to see them. Now I can't wait for their wedding in December.

In other John Mark news, he is getting bigger and funnier everyday! We had his 12 month check up a couple of weeks ago and his stats are: 22 pounds (45%) and 31 inches (85%). Unfortunately, he was sick and didn't get to finish the check up. He is feeling much better these days, and loves to spend his time running around and saying every word that he knows as loud as he can possibly say it. Here's a list of some of the words he says (that I can interpret... he says lots of other stuff that means a lot to him!)


He also loves to bark like a puppy. He gets very excited any time he sees anything that even resembles a puppy. Last night, a goat was on TV and he ran to the screen, pointing his finger and barking over and over. Priceless!
School starts next week, so we've spent this week getting ready. My lesson plans are finally coming together and I'm getting my room in order. We have open house on Thursday evening, and I get to meet the parents of my students. I'm a little nervous, just because I haven't done this before, but I have been assured by many people that it will be great. I hope they are right! :o)
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