John Mark loves to eat. Now, I know what you are thinking- that's not that unusual. But I don't think you understand just what I'm saying... John Mark LOVES to eat. You've heard the saying "eat to live, rather than live to eat"? He has not. When he wakes up in the morning, he points down the stairs saying "mmmmm"... he repeats this when waking up from naps, or any time he sees anyone within a 5 block radius with anything that even resembles food. And he will eat... and eat... and eat. I really think that he would sit in his high chair eating ALL DAY LONG if I would let him. Maybe one day I will write down everything he eats, just for the fun of it.

To give you another example of this- his teacher at school told me that she has to sit his food out first, then rush around to give everyone else their food, and then finish him off with something extra. If she does anything else, he goes around eating other kids food. And apparently, one day this summer he finished off an entire BOX of snacks. Not one snack, but the whole box. Fortunately for us, she thinks it is cute and doesn't mind the hassle. Also fortunately for us, he usually has the remainder of Caroline's meal to finish off, since eating is not her first priority!

Speaking of school, tomorrow is the big day, so if you wouldn't mind saying a little prayer for me and John Mark, it would be appreciated!
So many thoughts...
Ah, Braum's. Now I have proof for these crazy people here that it exists.
What are you guys watching on TV?
Did I know he had an outie...or is he just that full?
Love that he eats!
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