John Mark got to celebrate his very first fourth of July in Central High/Duncan. It was so nice to have the whole family together, even though it was under sad circumstances.
John Mark spent most of his time eating (shocking, I know), climbing around on a little stool he found, standing up, and generally getting spoiled.

He LOVED the fireworks, even though he was up way past his bed time. I was holding him and he nearly jumped out of my arms trying to see everything that was going on around him. I think I need to get ready for a super active toddler who needs to be in the middle of everything. Hmmm... I wonder where he got THAT personality trait?

John Mark tried watermelon for the first time while we were there. He wasn't so sure about it at first, but once he dug in, it was love at first taste. Then again, this big guy just loves to eat! He thinks it is pretty much the best part of life- and I can't say that I don't agree with him just a little bit! :o)

We spent a lot of time in Duncan with Grandma, which meant a lot of time with our family we don't get to see that often. One night the grandkids were sitting around playing cards and drinking coffee. It was so funny to us that we were suddenly doing what we thought was SOOO boring when we were younger, we just had to take a picture.

Another special part of our time together was seeing John Mark and Hunter together. Actually, most of our time was spent trying to keep John Mark from poking Hunter in the eye, pinching him or just generally being too close to the baby. It was fun for Grandma to have her 2 great grandsons with her.

And just to show you how much of a big boy we have now, here is a cute picture of him standing in the grass all by himself. Mom and Aunt Judy tried really hard to get him to walk, but he just isn't ready, which is no complaint of mine! I'm not quite ready to chase him all over the place! Oh, and one more hilarious thing- John Mark barks now. We tried to get a video, but you can't hear him barking over everyone talking... so we'll try again!
Oh my goodness! Where did all those teeth come from?
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