John Mark is 10 months old. It doesn't even seem possible that 10 months have gone by. He is getting bigger, more fun, and causing more trouble with each passing day! He has 6 teeth, and he loves "talking." He still isn't saying anything for real, but he loves to repeat noises. He also has a "monster" voice that is adorable.

We also have taught him to raise his arms up when we say "WHEEEEE!" His friend Caroline does this when we say "hurray!" and I think he may have picked up on that too.
These days he is a waving fool, and has lots of fun waving to anyone (or no one)... he is also still madly in love with a good game of

peek-a-boo. Now he just lays his head down on the floor and pops up laughing. It's really funny. He loves to eat (of course) and will eat pretty much anythingn we give to him- guacamole, grilled cheese, yogurt, cake...
As I mentioned before, our best friends Bryan & Natalie moved to Houston. Jamie and I made a scrapbook for Nat. During the week it took us to make it, Jamie came over every day. Her daughter Caroline and John Mark had way too much fun getting into EVERYTHING. Here's just a couple of the pictures I got of the 2 of them. Does that look like trouble or what?
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