If that's not a little model in the making, I don't know what is! :o) Find the angle, John Mark... work with the camera... It's hilarious to watch John Mark when anyone comes near him with a camera. He automatically looks at it and smiles. I don't know where in the world he would have learned how to smile for the camera...

I'm trying so hard to get video of him "talking." But the love for the camera results in him just looking at it and smiling really big. So I have really cute video of him smiling. I'll keep working on it because his talking is really great.
John Mark has had a little bit of a cold lately. I took him to the doctor on Monday to make sure that it was just a cough and nothing more. They did a nasal swab to test for RSV (negative, thankfully!) and drew some

blood for a virus test. The doctor was hoping that would get him worked up so she could hear him cough (because, of course, he wouldn't cough at all when she was in the room), but he just sat there. Not a peep out of him when she stuck him with the needle OR stuck a q-tip up his nose. Sure, he screams like I'm killing him if I even come near him with the nose sucker (what's the real word for that?) or a kleenex... but he just smiles at the nurse when she sticks him with a needle. Show off.
He's looking like such a big boy!!! :o(
"Work it, JM!" "JM" is soooo his runway name!
Aspirator! I love that thing! Poor Eric gets his brains sucked out daily! He has a stuffy nose all the time, but lately it is been runny. No real cough though! He does a dry attention cough! Like he never gets attention from me! Anyway, You are lucky John Mark smiles at the camera! When I try to capture smiles, all I get is the dumb cow look. He will be laughing and smiling, and then whammo! The cow comes out just in time for the picture! I have to work with him for a while to get good ones! :0)
John Mark is too sweet! I love the first picture!! He is such a ham! :0)
What cute dimples!
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