John Mark is just getting bigger and more mobile with every passing day. He has become quite the expert crawler, and he loves to crawl away during his diaper changes. This led to him going potty on the floor at mom and dad's this weekend, and then pooping on the floor at home Sunday night. I know... story of his life, right? You know- I bet one day he's going to really appreciate that I told the entire Internet these wonderful poop related stories. I know I would be thrilled if my mother had a record of all the embarrassing things I ever did... not that the pictures she took weren't bad enough. But that's another story.

John Mark is also getting really good at pulling up and cruising. I think some days he is just so frustrated that he can't just get up and run. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm going to just look up and see him run by. His fun new trick did lead to his first bump on his head, and bloody lip. He missed the coffee table at mom & dad's this weekend. But he was very brave and only cried for a little while. Soon he was back to crawling everywhere and chewing on everything. I was very relieved.

At his last doctor appointment he hadn't gained enough weight (seriously) so we're feeding him even more. This kid loves to eat. I think he would just sit in his high chair and eat all day long if I would let him. But now he eats 5 jars of baby food and a container of applesauce every day. That doesn't count the puffies and cheerios he eats too! He's a good eater, and I'm so thankful for that!

I almost forgot the most exciting news- John Mark said "mama!" He doesn't necessarily say it to me, and it sounds more like "mom-uh" but it is the most precious sound in the world and it completely melts my heart each time I hear it. He is an amazing little person, and I love him more with each passing day.
These pictures are cool! Did you take them?? It is so much fun to watch our boys grow up isn't it?! Can't wait to see you again next weekend!
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