Tuesday morning took us to the Pancake Pantry to eat breakfast. This place has every kind of pancake you can imagine- sweet potato, caribbean, blueberry... and they were GOOD! It must be good, there was a line around the outside of the building by the time we left. Apparently a lot of famous people eat there too, but we didn't run into any. After we ate, we walked around a little and just checked out the area. We went into a cool old book store and some fun little shops.
And then we hit Lynchburg to tour to Jack

Daniels' distillery. I know, I'm sure you're thinking that is a little weird. I thought so too, but it was actually really interesting. I mean, it's a lot of work to make that stuff. We saw every step of the process and where they do each part of it. Here's an interesting fact for you- the distillery is located right in the center of a dry county. I bet you didn't know that did you?

On Wednesday, we decided to let John Mark have a day of rest. The poor guy had been drug all over the country and was getting just a little grumpy. So James & Vickie sweetly offered to watch him while the 4 of us ran around downtown. It was a really fun day. We went in all the really random souvenir shops, took a lot of really random pictures (I'll spare you most of them) and ate some more really good food.

Oh, one actually cool thing we did was walk across this really long bridge. Apparently it's the longest non-traffic bridge in America... or the state of TN... or something like that. I don't really know- it's just really long! There were a lot of people running across it, and I know that I wouldn't want to have to run across it!!

We ate supper at a steak restaurant that was really, really good. The boys bought us flowers as we were leaving. Earlier in the day, we'd stopped by the Wildhorse for some fried pickles (I told you, I'm slightly addicted!) and we got our hands stamped to come back and listen to a concert. It was a really good concert- he was even from Oklahoma! That pretty much sums up those 2 days in Nashville.... only one more day left!
Hey Steph, what was the name of the guy who did the concert? I think I might know who it was...Glad you had a good time! Love, Amanda Lyn-O
You took a bunch of great pictures! Sounds like you had a blast!
Thanks for the play by plays. It was nice to "visit" Nashville with you! Love you, JJ
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