John Mark went to his very first state basketball tournament this past weekend. He wore his basketball shirt and hat. :o) He did great... he loved looking at the kids who were sitting in front of us and he found a favorite new toy- mom's hand lotion bottle. What is it with babies? We spend all this money on fancy schmancy toys for them to play with and what do they want? Empty water bottles and hand lotion containers...

This is John Mark's new trick- he can push himself up to sitting from laying down. So this is how I find him most mornings and after his naps- sitting up in his bed, clawing at the wall, "talking" to himself. He is becoming quite the little talker- "bah bah bah" and "dah dah dah" are his favorite things to say. We were at the mall the other day, and that's what he did the entire time we were there!

He is also becoming quite the scooter- in fact, he moved up to the creeper room at church. He is figuring out the crawling motion, and I'm sure by the end of the next few weeks he will be into everything- more so than he already is!
Well, we're about to head out on a vacation. Hope everyone enjoys their spring break! There will be tons of pictures from Nashville when we return!
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