In other John Mark related news- he is getting so BIG! And he's just getting more fun by the day. He's really becoming interactive and is just the best baby. He's sleeping pretty well too. After I posted that he slept through the night, he decided to rebel and wake up every hour for 2 nights. He's back on his sleep 6 hours and wake up schedule- but I'll take that over every hour!!

I got a small "job" that I'm working at 2 days a week to make a little extra cashola. John Mark is staying with Micah's mom while I work until he is old enough to go to a mother's day out. Hopefully I can get him in somewhere in January.
Next week, John Mark and I are flying to Florida for his cousin Jeremy's wedding. Pretty exciting stuff. I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures to post from that!
Sunday night several people from our small group hung around and we all ate pizza. Here's some pictures of John Mark and Caroline with them. We're so blessed by these people!
good luck flying to florida. we've thought about flying back to ok for christmas, but i haven't been able to talk to anyone about flying with newborns. let us know how it goes.
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