John Mark turned 2 months on Thursday. 2 months- WOW! Where has the time gone? It's pretty crazy! We went to the doctor yesterday. John Mark had to get his shots... he was very brave. Actually, he screamed and turned purple, but he does that when he doesn't want to fall asleep (or Micah tortures him with teddy bears...) so what's new? :) Here are his stats:

- Weight: 15 pounds, 11 ounces (100%)
- Height: 25 1/4 inches (100%)
- Head: 41.2 cm (80%)
This is him during tummy time. I swear this kid is going to roll over any day now. If he hadn't had the hiccups when I took this picture, he would have gone on over!

Earlier this week Micah had a business trip. John Mark and I went to Central High for a few days while he was gone. We went shopping and got some new clothes (since John Mark is growing out of his 3-6 month clothes already...) We also had lunch with some of our family. John Mark got to meet his cousin Jace.
I don't have much else to post... life has been pretty uneventful here lately. He is sleeping in his crib for about 5-6 hours a night, which is wonderful... he pretty much only cries when he's hungry or keeping himself awake. I couldn't ask for a better baby!
he's a cutie! :)
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