We went to Central High this past weekend to celebrate my dad's birthday and grandparents day. Okay, so no one knew it was grandparents day until I gave them a card, but still! :) We had a good weekend. As you can see, he is starting to smile more and more. Every now and then, he'll laugh. You can tell that he isn't really laughing at anything- it's more that he has combined a smile with a noise that he makes. But it's still the dang cutest thing we've ever heard! And it melts our hearts every time.

Here's a couple of funny stories for you (and yes, Owen and Amanda- they involve poop!). On Friday before we left, I went shopping with Jamie. Let me set the stage for you- Jamie has a 6 month old little girl, Caroline. So her car is already loaded down with baby stuff. Then you get John Mark and me in there with all of HIS stuff... we were loaded down! Anyway, we hit Old Navy to do a little shopping. We of course buy more things for the kiddos than ourselves... but that's not the point. When we've finished roaming around the other stores there, we realize that neither baby has wanted to eat- and it's LONG overdue... and we're hungry. So we go to Target. We hook the babies into shopping carts in their car seat. And we're off. Now, have you ever tried to push a shopping cart with one hand/hip and feed a baby with the other? Let me tell you- it's pretty tricky!! So here we are, feeding babies and attempt

ing to steer our carts. Then we take them out to burp them. I quickly realize that John Mark has pooped EVERYWHERE (like only he can do)... so now he has poop on him, the car seat and me. I take off to the bathroom to change him (there was nothing for me to do for myself at this point... roll the sleeves up in true mom fashion)... I come back to find Caroline has spit up a PUDDLE in the aisle and Jamie has cleaned it up with her burp rag. Now John Mark is grumpy and he won't sit in his car seat. At this point most people would have given up and gone home- do we? Of course not- we take turns holding him so we can try on clothes... then Jamie ends up pushing 2 shopping carts around Target while I hold John Mark. T

hat alone is enough to make people think we're a little nutty... but the fact that we're laughing like maniacs didn't help... :) Maybe you had to be there, but it was the funniest thing that has happened in my world is a LONG time... it helps if you make a mental picture of what was going on!
This is a picture of my mom, nanny and me. It's 4 generations. You'll notice that John Mark isn't wearing his nice church clothes like the rest of us... that's because he had another HUGE explosion at church. I think he is trying to boycott dress clothes to be like his dad. Not that Micah poops on his dress clothes or anything- he just doesn't like to wear them.

Anyway, I guess that's really all the baby stories that I have for you. Right now he is crying in his room because he doesn't want to go to sleep... I guess that's something else he got from his dad... :)
LOVE this one! Good times my friend! And his smile just melts me, he's so precious!
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