Well, we've almost survived our first week alone. Not that we've really been ALONE... what can I say? John Mark and I are just popular people. Lesley and Aunt Tiffy came over on Monday to play with us... then we spent the day on Tuesday with Aunt Tiffy. We went to Target and the new Old Navy. I've decided that I'm not exactly ready to get out alone with him... after it took Tiff and I almost 10 minutes to get the stroller out and him into it. We were both sweating like fat men by the time we got into the store... then the store was cold, so I told Tiff to get his blanket out. But we left the blanket in the car... so we used a cloth diaper burp rag to cover him up. Poor kid was stuck looking ghetto because of his forgetful mom and aunt! I wish I had a picture of that.

Yesterday Jamie and Caroline came to visit. Here's a funny picture of the John Mark and Caroline. Why is it funny? Caroline is 5 months old... She is a few inches longer than John Mark... but his head is bigger- and he is definitely a couple of inches wider than she is!! :) After they left, we had a rough few hours. Poor guy had a tummy ache. Tummy aches=lots of crying with no stopping. Lots of crying with no stopping=a tired, frustrated mommy! Fortunately Micah got home pretty soon and he is wonderful with crying babies!

But today has been a GREAT day. He's been in the best mood and slept a TON. We even ventured out with Aunt Tiffy again. We went to Mardel and Babies R Us. We got a wipe warmer to hopefully make diaper changes less painful! The picture to the left is him airing out after the car trip. Poor little guy sweats like nobody's business. The head rest on his car seat is usually soaked when we get him out... and his back will be wet from the sweat. No wonder I was so hot all the time I was pregnant- I had my own personal heating system! :)
I LOVE his face in that picture with Caroline! That is hysterical! Could he BE any cuter?
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